Dear Colleagues and sustainable building advocates,

since public authorities are major buyers of goods, services and works, they can use their purchasing power to select climate-friendly goods, services and works and thus make a valuable contribution to achieving national as international sustainability and environmental policy goals.(COM) However, according to a study published in 2023 by the Stockholm Environment Institute, 55% of procurement procedures in the EU still use the lowest price as the sole award criterion. The study shows that local authorities need greater awareness and clear guidance on how GPP and “green” criteria can be used for impactful societal outcomes. Module 3 of our “Circular Buildings” training series will therefore address these existing knowledge gaps among local stakeholders in European countries in the field of green public procurement for the design, construction, renovation, demolition and management of buildings.

In Module 3, Ms. Evelin Piirsalu, Senior Expert at the Stockholm Environment Institute, will provide an overview of the results of the 2023 GPP study mentioned above. The study examined the GPP landscape in the EU and identified solutions and best practices, as well as policy recommendations to strengthen GPP policies to reduce GHG emissions, based on case studies from eight EU Member States. In addition, scientific project officer Ms. Ángela Ranea Palma and project officer Ms. María González Torres from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) will present the Commission’s green criteria for the design, construction, renovation, demolition and management of buildings, which are currently under revision. Finally, we will hear good practice examples of the implementation of green public procurement in the building sector from two European cities – Helsinki (Finland), presented by Ms. Sara Tapiala, Team Leader for Environment and Energy at the City of Helsinki, and Pesaro (Italy), presented by Ms. Margherita Finamore, Project Manager for Sustainable Built Environment at the Council of Pesaro.

Module 3 will take place online (Zoom) in English on October 2, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CET.

If you are interested in participating in Module 3 of our online training series "Circular Buildings", please register under this link. Registration is available until September 27, 2024.

We look very much forward to seeing you there!

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